Customer Success|6 MIN READ

Top SaaS Cross-Selling Techniques to Boost Revenue and Retention


Shoeb Ahmed



For any business to grow their revenue, it is important to retain customers for a longer time. We already know that an engaged customer is more likely to stay longer in a business. A customer can stay engaged to your brand through one product they use. But how about enlarging their engagement factor to say 2x, 3x or even more? That’s where SaaS cross-selling comes into picture.

Cross-selling is the practice of encouraging a customer to buy related products to the one they are already using for a more comprehensive solution. A simple example of cross selling is when you buy Windows OS from Microsoft, they also suggest you to buy Office 365 for a more holistic usage.

To stay competitive in a business niche, SaaS companies have to think of providing holistic solutions to their customers. Oftentimes, these solutions demand them to create more products complementary to their main product. Hence, cross-selling becomes natural for them to offer a comprehensive solution to their customers.


SaaS交叉销售有很多优势,包括the customer as well as the seller. Let’s look at each of them separately.




Hence, selecting a brand that meets all needs of a customer is always better and beneficial. For the brands providing holistic solutions it also means that they are really into the depths of their niche and know the industry inside out. So, with such a wide range of their research on different areas for which they have created multiple products, it becomes easier for a customer totrust the brand以及他们提供的解决方案的功效。ManBetX客户端登录


The most obvious benefit for the companies through SaaS cross-selling is increased sales revenue. Through multiple products, they can fetch more business from their existing customers. Marketing new products to them also becomes much easier and doesn’t cost them anything when compared with the huge cost of doing so to the new customers.

通过交叉销售,公司也可以创造更大的customer satisfaction。他们为不同产品获得的所有技术支持都将来自同一来源,这对任何客户来说都是一个很大的解脱。他们不必一次又一次地确定自己的产品问题。这是可能的,因为通常情况下,公司为客户使用的所有产品使用相同的客户帐户。

This also ensures that the customer is hooked with your brand for a longer period. The more products they buy from you, the more loyal would they be. This has a clear impact on raising the Customer Lifetime Value through both the factors – longer duration and larger revenue. The deeper integration of customer’s business with the solution provider would ensure their long-term retention.


For SaaS cross-selling, you have to really understand your customer’s needs. A customer success manager should be constantly in touch with the customer to understand their requirements. And when the time is right, they must approach the customer for cross-selling opportunities. Below are some cross selling tips that you can use at work.


大多数公司都专注于仅获取新客户,而忽略了他们与现有客户的充分机会。因此,为避免这种错误,您也必须培训营销和销售团队,以针对现有客户。这是最重要的交叉销售技巧之一。与marketing teamto create emailers advertising related products would be a good way to start. The sales team should also be trained towards identifying any sales opportunities with the existing customers. Their sales pitch should be directed towards these customers. You need to collaborate between multiple teams to target your clients for new sales.






从SaaS业务领域的新客户开始的第一步是绘制客户之旅。您需要设定客户通过主要产品实现的目标。他们采用您的产品需要一定时间。只有在采用产品之后,他们才能成为您的忠实客户和品牌拥护者的最后阶段。这是customer journey他们最高兴听到您的新产品感到非常兴奋。您应该等待客户到达这个阶段,直到那个时候进行所有必要的准备工作。


Along with business growth, there are a lot of responsibilities you have towards your customer in a SaaS business. As an industry expert it is paramount to have a holistic understanding of all your customer’s operations. A deep understanding of your business niche and its operations would allow you to come up with new solutions through new products.


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Originally Published July 14th, 2020, Updated January 6th, 2021

Shoeb Ahmed

Shoeb lives and breathes Customer Success and SaaS. He has a passion to research on the latest innovations happening in SaaS and Customer Success. Shoeb hails from a Software Architecture background where he worked for many years with Indian Tech Giants like Wipro and ITC building software solutions for their MNC clients in the UK and Denmark.

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